“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” ~Carl W. Buechner

The primary source of our emotional process is in the subconscious mind and experienced throughout the nervous system most notably in the vagus nerve of the stomach… we often use the heart as a metaphor when speaking about feelings however the true source is in our subconscious mind.

Our subconscious memory system stores information in the form of images but they are filed and recalled on the basis of their intensity both positive or negative feelings. Most subconscious beliefs and value judgements are also filed by their emotional importance and also formed as images. Therefore the more emotionally intense images grabs our primary attention…this is also true of our dreams while asleep, our most emotionally charged images come to the surface…and when in a state of imagination or fantasy are expressed based on our emotional interests.

Since our dominant emotions usually center around our self image or ego ….it becomes the primary preoccupation of our conscious mind ….most spiritual practices are efforts to reduce our emotional intensity about our self …the “flow” experience is most apt to occur when we are least aware of our self .

Our subconscious controls habits , feelings, and intuition, while our conscious mind dominates our logic, language, sense of order, math, and deductive logic.

When we make an important decision, it appears to be based on logic and reasoning, weighing and evaluating the pros and cons but this is generally not true

The subconscious mind, is the deciding factor in most decision-making. Our decision by the emotional subconscious comes first before it is sent to our conscious mind for a logical and rational explanation. Sometimes these explanations are really just rationalizations in order to please our emotional subconscious…it is an indication that developing our emotional intelligence is much more important than our thought processes. In psychological studies not even 10% of all decisions are “wholly” logical.

“A person in a crisis almost always acts subconsciously and then thinks of the reasons for their action.” ~Jawaharlal Nehru

2 Responses

  1. Pam

    I hope to write a blog on painful memories….the key points are:

    The primary cause of painful memories are the resistance to the memory,not the memory itself….resistance keeps recharging the emotions of the memory making it continually resurface to conscious awareness….letting the memory flow freely will reduce the emotion and it will fade into the background….essentially it is total acceptance without judgement of the memory.

    Forgiveness is a key teaching in all religions….it also means forgiving our self as well as others.

    We are taught early in life to narrow our consciousness on our personal self as the responsible source of our problems….however if we look at the big picture,there are outside sources involved in the problem beyond our awareness so it becomes a vast interrelated process…..to understand this requires a sense that our separate self is a fiction and we are simply part of an interactive movement where there is no one who can be blamed or even forgiven.


  2. My goodness!! the web in which we are tangled, or better, the web to which we belong and live in, never ceases to surprise me.
    This post came to my email this morning and it is exactly what I needed to read. Coincidence? No such thing, you are ‘in tune’ with me, my friend.
    I cannot begin to imagine how to thank you, I only hope that you realize how important your words are in my life.
    Thank you Sid.

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